
We suggest the following format for a bibliographic citation:
IMEM (2013) Integrated Modelling of European Migration Database. Available at (data downloaded on [date]).
When referring to the methodology applied to obtain the results, please use the following two papers:
  • The paper describing the methodology of producing the harmonised flow tables:
    Raymer J, Wiśniowski A, Forster JJ, Smith PWF, and J Bijak (2013) Integrated Modelling of European Migration. Journal of the American Statistical Association 108 (503), 801-819. Available at
  • The paper describing the elicitation of the expert opinions about migration flows in Europe:
    Wiśniowski A, Bijak J, Christiansen S, Forster JJ, Keilman N, Raymer J and Smith PWF (2013) Utilising expert opinion to improve the measurement of international migration in Europe. Journal of Official Statistics 29 (4), 583-607. Available at
  • The paper describing the methodology for estimating age and sex profiles of the origin-destination flows:
    Wiśniowski A, Forster JJ, Smith PWF, Bijak J and Raymer J (forthcoming) Integrated modelling of age and sex patterns of European migration. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (Statistics in Society). In Press. Available at